Cut taxes and increase capital investment to boost growth!
Cut corporate tax to 12.5% Slash income tax to 15% and 28% Fully transferable personal allowance £250bn investment over 10 years on infrastructure Bank of England should adopt NGDP targeting The economy is in pretty good shape, ever since coming into office in 2010 the Tories have increased employment to record levels, reduced the deficit and managed to pull us from the great recession to steady growth rates of 2%. Pretty impressive right? As a Tory, I should be overwhelmingly happy at what the Conservatives have achieved right? Well, I am happy about what my party has achieved, however, I am disappointed at one thing. Steady growth. The economy, in my opinion, should be booming at 4% per annum, instead, we are growing at a sluggish 2%. To move the needle on growth I urge the government to cut taxes and invest in economic infrastructure to boost growth. If you want to boost short and long term economic growth, tax cuts and infrastructure spending is...