The UK may suffer a "little ice age" until 2040
All the way back in my science class in 2008 I predicted the UK, Western Europe and North America would suffer colder winters until at least 2040. Since my prediction in 2008, the UK alone suffered cold winters in 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2012/13. North America have also suffered record cold and snow over the same time frame as well, in fact, the current cold snap in the US prompted President Trump to mock global warming. However, despite Trump's comments, the cold winters do not disprove global warming, but they are a result of something very interesting going on that may result in much colder winter over the coming decades. Low Solar Activity The last time solar activity fell dormant there was a period known as the mini ice age (16th-19th century) which prompted Sky News to write this headline. Since 2008 solar activity has declined substantially with solar cycle 24 being weaker than average and scientists believe the sun may well be repeating a Dalton ...